Partial Dentures

Removable, Durable and Comfortable

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Partial Dentures

If you’re missing teeth, one of the many options for tooth replacement is a removable partial denture. This is a custom-made tooth prosthetic made by your dentist and is considered one of the best options in terms of affordability and function. It’s a quicker process than traditional implants or complete dentures, and it can improve your smile, and your oral health, too.


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Your Health and Your Teeth

Teeth are vital to clear speech, proper food breakdown, digestion, and impact your overall health. If you have at least a few stable teeth remaining, a partial denture is a durable, non-invasive option. Dental health is essential to not only your appearance but also your quality of life. Choosing the best tooth alternative is a highly personal decision. We are here to help you choose what fits your unique circumstance and financial situation.

What Are Partial Dentures?

Removable partial dentures are custom-made framework with replacement teeth attached. Each device — fabricated from a mold of your mouth — rests on your top or bottom dental arch. It’s designed to fit comfortably around your remaining natural teeth. The replacement teeth look and function like real ones, and give you similar benefits to natural teeth, too. Metal partials can help sustain gum tissue and help prevent the diminishment of bone in the jaw, which happens with tooth loss. This type of metal removable denture uses discrete clasps to ensure that it stays firmly in place. It is not fixed to your jaw like an implant but has the flexibility to be removed comfortably.

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The Benefits of Removable Partial Dentures

  • Long-term solution and built to last a long time.
  • They’re custom-made for optimal performance, appearance, and comfort.
  • Partial dentures for front teeth improve your smile and boost your confidence.
  • Unlike dental flippers, these can be worn while you eat.
  • Additional artificial teeth can be added at any time on metal framework partial dentures.
  • By preventing your real teeth from shifting, partial dentures for back teeth preserve the structure of your jaw by preventing bone loss.
  • They also help prevent infection and other problems associated with missing teeth.

Disadvantages of Removable Partial Dentures

  • Must have healthy teeth for the partial to attach to
  • Partials are prone to trapping bits of food
  • The risk of tooth decay is still present for existing natural teeth
  • It will take some time to get used to wearing it – soft foods recommended at first
  • Cannot be converted into full dentures
  • Not recommended to sleep with partial dentures
  • Adjustments might be needed over time.
Dental Partial tooth replacement option showing multiple restorations and a metal framed dental partial being held by a dental professional in pink glove.
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How are Partial Dentures made?

Investing in a tooth alternative will pay off for years to come. Hale Family Dentistry’s partial dentures are fabricated of sturdy acrylic and metal framework. The dentist will take a digital impression and send it to our local Fort Wayne dental laboratory. This framework consists of clasps that attach to healthy teeth and utilize only the best construction to ensure longevity and durability. The metal is a base metal made of a mixture of metals such as cobalt, chrome, nickel.

Once the denture is made, it is adjusted it based on feedback from the patient at the appointment. They are easy to adjust and may need adjusted overtime due to natural wear and tear of using.

Please note, if you experience mild or severe irritation at any time, a simple adjustment may be needed. These adjustments are quick and don’t require a long appointment time. Additionally, if you lose another tooth, an additional tooth can be added to a cast metal partial for a small fee.

The Cost of Dental Partial Solutions

This type of denture is one of the most budget-friendly options; the average cost is $1,400 to $1,800. By comparison, a single dental implant can cost many times that amount. In Fort Wayne, the cost of a single dental implant including the extraction of the tooth is $5,000 to $6,000.

Other costs associated with dental partials are minimal compared to the benefits you receive. If you only need a tooth added to a partial denture, the cost runs from $200 to $300. Repairing a denture is possible if the damage is minimal. In some cases, a full replacement may be needed.

Dental insurance may or may not pay for repairs or added teeth. Check with the prosthesis coverage of your dental insurance for more information regarding coverage and costs.

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Caring for Partial Dentures

  • Remove your dentures at night for cleaning and replace them in the morning.
  • Don’t clean your denture with harsh household cleaners or even regular toothpaste. Use a specific denture cleaner, denture toothpaste, mild dishwashing soap, along with a soft-bristle toothbrush.
  • Keep the device from losing its shape by soaking it in water or a special solution at night. Never use hot water, only cool water.
  • Never force the appliance into place by biting down. You could damage it. Give us a call if it doesn’t slip comfortably into place.
  • Along the same lines, never attempt to repair a broken device with household tools or over-the-counter repair kits. Never use dental adhesives to achieve a better fit. If your dentures are uncomfortable, call our office to have them relined.
  • Keep away from animals and pets. Your furry friends love chewing on partials and complete dentures, too!

Affordable Tooth replacement

There’s a lot to like about partial dentures, but the most important thing to know about tooth replacement is that there are many types of treatment options available. Some may be purely cosmetic, while others provide vital health benefits for patients who need them.

If you have at least one healthy molar left on your original jawline, then removable partial dentures can work wonders for long-term treatment planning. If you need something quick, maybe a dental flipper is the choice for you. Dr. Jonathan Hale and our staff at Hale Family Dentistry can help you decide the best treatment plan for you.

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